Restoration of the Ammannati Courtyard
Evening to finance the restoration of the Ammannati courtyard
Evening for the restoration of the Ammannati courtyard. ‘At the Court of Palazzo Pitti’. Grand gala with a Renaissance atmosphere. The event will open with the flag-wavers of historic Florentine football.
It is a gala evening to present “Firenze Fashion”, a project aimed at raising funds to finance the restoration of the Ammannati courtyard itself through initiatives to combine the world of business and art.
The evening in Piazza Pitti will be inaugurated by six processions of flag-wavers from various Tuscan cities who, accompanied by drums, trumpets and bridesmaids, will recall a day of celebration in Renaissance Florence. The processions, representatives of the cities of Florence, Scarperia, Cortona, Pescia, Pomarance and Volterra, will deliver the flags to the banner of Florence as a gesture of support during the evening dedicated to art.
“Since historic football will not be held this year – recalled the Councilor for Florentine Traditions, Sport and Leisure Eugenio Giani – this event represents an opportunity for all Florentines to see the flag-wavers who usually exhibit at that event.”
Afterwards, inside Palazzo Pitti, the dancers of the “Florence Dance Center” will dance in Renaissance period costumes, accompanying the guests into the courtyard. In the presence of the authorities and art historians present in the Ammannati courtyard, the processions of flag-wavers will parade, who will lay down their flag, a sign of cultural twinning. Then it will be the turn of the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina” which, conducted by Maestro Giuseppe Lanzetta, will perform famous pieces.
“After the fall of stone fragments from the ledge, which forced urgent interventions, a more complex and complete restoration is needed, worth 500 thousand euros – explained the superintendent of the Polo Museale Fiorentino, Cristina Acidini -. I thank ‘Media Firenze’ which, with a program of excellence, will make the intervention in the courtyard possible and will bring back to the city those ancient festive atmospheres of the past”.
An innovative tool will be used to finance the restoration work: self-financing through themed days with art, fashion and entertainment.
The event, organized under the patronage of the Municipality of Florence, the Region and the Province, in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Superintendency of the Polo Museale Fiorentino and the Superintendence of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Florence , was conceived by “Media Firenze”, a Florentine agency which, through visual communication and the use of advertising blow-ups on the scaffolding, allows the realization of important restoration works.